Disaster Trauma And Ear Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture – effective for treating addiction!

What is it? How does it work? Why the ears?

… It has been around for over 3000 years and is the world’s oldest medical science.

… Research shows that it is beneficial in treating a variety of health conditions.

… Chinese science holds that there is an extensive and complex energy system that flows throughout the human body. When this stream flows freely, the body is in balance and healthy. Interruptions and blockages in this normally free-flowing energy stream causes stagnation, illness, disease and discomfort. Simply stated, acupuncture is a technique that helps get the energy flowing freely and restores balance to the body. In terms of modern medicine, acupuncture creates healing changes in the various functional systems of the body.

nada protocol

AcuDetox auricular (ear) acupuncture is based on the fact that there are points for the entire body mapped out on the ear’s surface.

… The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) has developed a protocol to treat addiction using 5 points in each ear:

  • Shenmen or Spirit Gate – used for calming and relaxing
  • Sympathetic – used for relieving tension
  • Liver – used to detoxify, as well as relax and relieve anger and frustration
  • Kidney – used to strengthen the willpower and release unwanted toxins
  • Lung – used to help respiration, as well as for detoxification



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